Friday, June 3, 2011

It. Gets. Better.

I'm getting kind of discouraged. There's a reason why I don't try to make change happen and that's because I get really depressed when it doesn't go the way I hoped & dreamed. I started this petition to get the New York Mets to make an "It Gets Better" video but now I don't know where to go.

I  have nearly 200 signatures which is what I've been told can put you in the running to be a featured petition on the front page of their website. But now I'm dried up, no one else will sign my petition. That's not true, I guess I've just run out of options. I need help.

Here is where my un-involvement with the community is biting me in the butt. There's a reason I stay out of political debate & argument & a reason why I can't bring myself to volunteer for any gay rights organizations & a reason why I rarely held my gf hands in public.

I'm too weak. I'm tough everywhere else but I'm to week to deal with your ignorance & your hatred. Even when I was a kid I couldn't stand movies with people who were hurtful just to be hurtful. And it's even worse when it's not directed at me, cause I know me, I know how I will react and how I will survive.

But if I had been walking down the street with my gf and some moron spewed their ignorance at me, I would have broken. I would have yelled back a rebuttal that would make no impact on them at all, then I would have cried for the next few days.

Because people refuse to see anything but what they want to see. The Bible may say that you are not to lie with another man, but it also says that a wife is to be subservient & that you shouldn't have sex with your goat. One of those things is just ridiculous advice and the other is a little obvious, I'll let you decide which is which. And I'm a Christian. A Christian who knows the difference between right and wrong.

Anyway, I guess I hoped that more people would jump on the Human Kindness train. Which is what I've been asking people... I've been saying "If you're a fan of Human Kindness..." Because not everyone is a fan of the Mets (WHATTTT???) and not everyone is a fan of equal rights for homosexuals (WHO ARE YOU PEOPLE???) but everyone should be a fan of kindness. And everyone should be a fan of helping kids get through those rough years, because my God... does It. Get. Better.

I'm still working on that last part.

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