Holy crap balls. I'm back everybody. Please don't shed tears of joy, it's only been a month. Ugg that depresses me, to be away from you for that long.
My computer has a new little hard drive that can & so hopefully I can say with full honesty that I am officially completely back.
A lot has gone on in the past month so I'll give a brief synopsis.
I finished my nanny-ing job & then proceeded to swiftly, hop a flight to North Carolina for a 4th of July escape. and that it was.
I have camped with my 4th Day friends.
I have planned with my 4th Day friends our traveling Search road show that will premier on Juy 24th.
My best friends got engaged. Both of them. Not to each other.
I have put off, most diligently, job searching.
I have answer way to many questions about my job asperations.
I have not edited this post, and do no plan on doing so.
I have re-read the entire Harry Potter series and peed myself a little bit with the anticipation of Thursday night at 11:59.
I've tweeted a little bit here or there (remember, @Janice_Lynne)
I've been funny.
I've cleaned urinals.
I've hugged family I haven't seen in a while.
I've met a man on a plane that offered me a new perspective on myself.
I've met a different man on that same plane that I made google-ey eyes at but never made a move.
I've slipped in my weight loss / workout regime. July is kind of lost, but I think I can regain it.
I've bonded with my mom through art (an incredible Kurt Schwitters exhibit in Princeton), history (Civil War re-inactments(sp?)) & hygeine (a very hysterical waxing situation, you need not know more).
So I've been gone a while, I've missed writing to you all. And now, here, is where the fun starts. Because now, here my life has got to begin. There's no where else for me to hide.
Tomorrow I'm going to visit my friend Elizabeth & we are going to talk (finally) seriously about creating theatre together. And this week I will, definitely, send out at least 5 resumes. I think that is being kind to myself, don't you?
Here's the fun part, here's where my guts are really tested. Who do I become now???
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