Monday, August 1, 2011

Analyze This

I had very weird dreams last night. Or maybe it was this morning.

Or maybe it was more than one dream and I just don't know it.

The first part involved lots of water, but I don't think it was the ocean. And we kept traveling over it in these speedy little boats. But then we got off those and waiting in a line to get onto a ferry. A really long line & at one point I hit my head on a fabric banner. Which is weird, because I'm short. What's weirder is who dreams about waiting on a line? Even my dream life is boring city.

So then we (and I say we, but I don't really know who the people are that are with me) we go to like a sex hospital where everyone can have sex and no one thinks less of you and it's completely safe. So, well, we do that for a while. (sorry mom) But then everyone finds out that the people who run the hospital have tricked us by giving us some sort of potion or something and it's not as safe as they've told us, they just made us not care as much or something. So we're all mad and we leave.

Theeeennn flash forward a few months bc guess who's having a baby!!! This kid. I'm preggo out to here and Luke Wilson is my boyfriend but I'm very sure that he's not the daddy. It's also weird because whichever one of my friends that I'm with, they're also dating a Luke Wilson. But not my Luke Wilson, I love him very much and he is very different from the other Luke Wilson. Also, a little taller. And then I decided to drive to frozen yogurt place bc I really wanted some.

The very last thing I saw before I woke up was a friends "status" on fb about their sister who had died. She's not really dead, so don't worry everyone.

Then I woke up.

Now I've heard an old wives tale and some Italians tell me it's true & some look at me like I'm crazy, but it goes like this...

If you dream that someone is pregnant, than someone is going to die.
If you dream that someone has died, than someone is going to get pregnant.

Is it a wash out with this madness???? I don't know.

But I do know that I was going to be pregnant for Children's Day & I wasn't very happy about it.

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