This is what I know to be absolutely true in my life:
1. I'm overweight.
2. I can write.
3. I have amazing friends and family.
4. I annoy myself.
5. There's a ring on my left middle finger that I'm not sure will ever come off.
6. The real reason # 5 bothers me is that it wont look so good with a wedding band.
7. I may never wear a wedding band.
8. I f-ing love the fall.
9. I will always miss Glasgow & want to go back.
10. The past that you miss isn't there anymore.
11. I will always have a wanderlust.
12. I'm losing the break-up.
13. I'm a gross person. I find gross things funny. And I share those thing. People think I'm not wholey a girl.
14. I'm an extremely jealous person. (if you combined 13 and 14, I could be male)
15. I'm chicken shit.
16. I'm an idiot.
17. I second guess everything I do.
18. I know exactly what I need to do. I'm just to scared to do it.
19. I was by a fire so much this weekend that my nose still smells like smoke. So it's not my hair.
20. I don't drink often but when I do, I drink too much.
21. I need another job so that I have some money to save so that I don't beat myself up so much.
22. I escape into literature.
23. My mother is cleaning the shower right now. She wants a new one for Christmas, but I just don't see how we can surprise her with that without her knowing. Especially since we only have one shower. hmmm. Should we bring back the sponge bath now so she doesn't get suspicious?
24. I'm trying to get to 27.
25. I'm writing a book. Two books actually. And I like them both, let's see what happens. I've given myself the deadline of my birthday this year to finish the first draft of at least one of them.
26. I'm very confused.
27. I made it to 27.
I'm sure there are more things that I can be certain of right now. I'm sure there are other things that are important. More important. But this is the cliffs notes version of what's going on in my head right now.
I was out of my rut. But things change so quickly. My heads a mess. And so am I. Write what you know.
1. I'm overweight.
2. I can write.
3. I have amazing friends and family.
4. I annoy myself.
5. There's a ring on my left middle finger that I'm not sure will ever come off.
6. The real reason # 5 bothers me is that it wont look so good with a wedding band.
7. I may never wear a wedding band.
8. I f-ing love the fall.
9. I will always miss Glasgow & want to go back.
10. The past that you miss isn't there anymore.
11. I will always have a wanderlust.
12. I'm losing the break-up.
13. I'm a gross person. I find gross things funny. And I share those thing. People think I'm not wholey a girl.
14. I'm an extremely jealous person. (if you combined 13 and 14, I could be male)
15. I'm chicken shit.
16. I'm an idiot.
17. I second guess everything I do.
18. I know exactly what I need to do. I'm just to scared to do it.
19. I was by a fire so much this weekend that my nose still smells like smoke. So it's not my hair.
20. I don't drink often but when I do, I drink too much.
21. I need another job so that I have some money to save so that I don't beat myself up so much.
22. I escape into literature.
23. My mother is cleaning the shower right now. She wants a new one for Christmas, but I just don't see how we can surprise her with that without her knowing. Especially since we only have one shower. hmmm. Should we bring back the sponge bath now so she doesn't get suspicious?
24. I'm trying to get to 27.
25. I'm writing a book. Two books actually. And I like them both, let's see what happens. I've given myself the deadline of my birthday this year to finish the first draft of at least one of them.
26. I'm very confused.
27. I made it to 27.
I'm sure there are more things that I can be certain of right now. I'm sure there are other things that are important. More important. But this is the cliffs notes version of what's going on in my head right now.
I was out of my rut. But things change so quickly. My heads a mess. And so am I. Write what you know.
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