Monday, April 1, 2013

Out Like a Lamb.

It's been a while. Life got awesome and then it got mucky so I took a hiatus.

Last weekend I took a trip down to WV to visit my friends. It's all so strange to me now. It was so amazing a great to see everyone but it left me so sad. I had this whole realization that I will just always be missing this people. If I moved down there I would miss everyone from home. So there's no win/win for me. It's exhausting. Worst/Best decision I even made was to go to school so far away.

I mean really no matter which way I slice in I'm missing someone. At some point in my day I think of someone from one of the many places I've lived and think "damn, I miss them." It's the worst/best.

In the end I'm really glad  I went because I got to meet a bunch of babies, hang out with woman I love and admire and see the beautiful state that I love.

In case you're wondering...

I came home to the super crappy news that a friend from high school passed away. It's just the worst. I'll never get over losing people from my childhood. There's no reason they should be gone and I should still be here. It just really hurts. And I hurt for my friends who were still close with the individual because I cannot even imagine what they're going through.

And then within the same day I found out that my other friends beautiful baby was born. So last week was an emotional roller coaster to say the very least.

But so that's my little catch up. I joined another dating site until I realized I had to pay for it and then I deleted my account. AGAIN. Maybe I'll hop back on the OKstupid again to see what's up. I'm not even interested in dating I think I'm just bored. UGH!

Oh, happy Jesus is BAAACK day. 

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