Don't trust the mirror. If there is one thing I've learned over my years of yo-yo dieting, it's that you cannot trust what you see because it's being processed through a brain that already thinks you're fat.
When I was at my lowest weight, I still "looked" disgusting to myself. And when I yo-yo-ed back up and look back, I see the fitness level that I wish I was still at. (Just read this throwback. )
So when I say don't trust it, I don't mean ignore your eyes when they say those shoes don't match that shirt. Or that when you're all dolled up to go out with your girls, but you don't feel fabulous, you shouldn't try something else on. Change, be comfortable and fabulous, otherwise we all know it'll ruin your night. Am I right Ladies?
What I'm trying to say is, don't put all your eggs in that one reflective basket. Just like you shouldn't cry over added pounds after a few weeks of weight training. Guess what, it's muscle baby!
Anyway I digress, back to it ...That moment right before you hop in the shower? The one where you bare all to am empty bathroom and inadvertently catch a glimpse of the bod you've been sporting and you think "eee gads? is that really it?" THAT moment. Do not trust it. It is a liar. A big fat one.
I'll say it again, those eyes and brain that are seeing your body already think you're fat, so that is what will compute. They wont see the truth.
Try instead to concentrate on other things that you're doing well right now. For instance, are you eating better? Do you just plain feel better? Are clothes more comfortable? Are you more comfortable in general? I also find that when I'm on the right kick, I need to be active during the day. I set aside the time and find the time instead of dancing around and sitting on my butt watching reruns of whatever happens to be rerunning (and now with Netflix and Amazon Prime - forget it!) I get out and do. You just have to make it habit.
I have a love / hate relationship with mirrors. That spot on my body that always pops in pictures and mirrors is my belly. Ugh! Why is he always there?! (Oh, yeah, I name my food baby Louis C.K.) I'm working on not caring. Because, here's the thing, no one else does. I'd bet the bank that no one else even notices it. I kind of love the mirror because I'm pretty. There I said it and I don't care who judges me for it. I have enough body image issues that I can be confident in the fact that my face is pretty. F the haters. Oh and my boobs are rockin' too.
I started working out and eating better at the end of August. I took an after workout selfie then, and another a few days ago. I've already noticed changes... no one else might see them but I do. I'm the only one who gets to see my body every day, so little things pop. And they absolutely make the work that's waiting for me in the upcoming weeks more exciting. Because if those are the changes that have happened in 3 weeks of hard work, imagine what'll happen after 3 months.
All the while, I keep my eye on that little bastard The Mirror, I know he wants to buy me a drink and then take another girl home. The liar.
So here's the word... work towards better while not hating now. Because now is kind of awesome too. You're body is capable of amazing things, why dislike it?
When I was at my lowest weight, I still "looked" disgusting to myself. And when I yo-yo-ed back up and look back, I see the fitness level that I wish I was still at. (Just read this throwback. )
So when I say don't trust it, I don't mean ignore your eyes when they say those shoes don't match that shirt. Or that when you're all dolled up to go out with your girls, but you don't feel fabulous, you shouldn't try something else on. Change, be comfortable and fabulous, otherwise we all know it'll ruin your night. Am I right Ladies?
What I'm trying to say is, don't put all your eggs in that one reflective basket. Just like you shouldn't cry over added pounds after a few weeks of weight training. Guess what, it's muscle baby!
Anyway I digress, back to it ...That moment right before you hop in the shower? The one where you bare all to am empty bathroom and inadvertently catch a glimpse of the bod you've been sporting and you think "eee gads? is that really it?" THAT moment. Do not trust it. It is a liar. A big fat one.
I'll say it again, those eyes and brain that are seeing your body already think you're fat, so that is what will compute. They wont see the truth.
Try instead to concentrate on other things that you're doing well right now. For instance, are you eating better? Do you just plain feel better? Are clothes more comfortable? Are you more comfortable in general? I also find that when I'm on the right kick, I need to be active during the day. I set aside the time and find the time instead of dancing around and sitting on my butt watching reruns of whatever happens to be rerunning (and now with Netflix and Amazon Prime - forget it!) I get out and do. You just have to make it habit.
I have a love / hate relationship with mirrors. That spot on my body that always pops in pictures and mirrors is my belly. Ugh! Why is he always there?! (Oh, yeah, I name my food baby Louis C.K.) I'm working on not caring. Because, here's the thing, no one else does. I'd bet the bank that no one else even notices it. I kind of love the mirror because I'm pretty. There I said it and I don't care who judges me for it. I have enough body image issues that I can be confident in the fact that my face is pretty. F the haters. Oh and my boobs are rockin' too.
I started working out and eating better at the end of August. I took an after workout selfie then, and another a few days ago. I've already noticed changes... no one else might see them but I do. I'm the only one who gets to see my body every day, so little things pop. And they absolutely make the work that's waiting for me in the upcoming weeks more exciting. Because if those are the changes that have happened in 3 weeks of hard work, imagine what'll happen after 3 months.
All the while, I keep my eye on that little bastard The Mirror, I know he wants to buy me a drink and then take another girl home. The liar.
So here's the word... work towards better while not hating now. Because now is kind of awesome too. You're body is capable of amazing things, why dislike it?