Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Breakdown in the Produce Aisle

You know what's not a good look on me? Desperation. It's rare. But that ugly bitch rears her disgusting head every once in while. And on Sunday, I was desperate.

For some wine.

So when the numerous glasses of champagne I indulged in at a bridal shower earlier in the day did not quench my alcohol lust, I decided to make a run. And since we had no food in the house and I had high hopes for a week of healthy eating, I figured I would pop by the grocery store as well. At that, my mom offered me her card to get some stuff that the whole family would need.

So I get there. I even call my mom to say "Hey. What's the _____ sitch? Should I get some more?" and tell her that I'm going to put it on my card. We both realized at this point that she had forgotten to give me her's.

Meanwhile, in the produce aisle, the grocery store is mocking me. There are literally couples everywhere. It's date night at the deli counter.

"Oh honey, what kind of turkey should we get?"
"Silly, I hate munster cheese!"
"Should we get some more lettuce?"
"What should we have on Tuesday!"
"Oh you!!!"

I even witnessed a bit of a tiff regarding the type of veggies one couple was purchasing. Yes, pre-cut celery is a ripoff Sir, I agree with you!

Anyway so I get to the check out counter, ring up my load and realize that I do not have my card on me. All I have is $27 and big dreams. I had to do the good ole "can you put that back." beep. "and this." beep. "this too."

Until I had enough money. How embarrassing. And I don't embarrass easily.

When I got home, miffed and STILL without wine. I took it out the fridge (the mayo is still stuck to the cap of the jar from when an entire shelf fell mercilessly to the floor, when I may or may not have shoved the door a little too harshly).

Once the mayo rolled away (along with a couple of salad dressings now properly shaken), I dissolved into tears, took off my pants and climbed into my bed. Where I proceeded to work it all out on my pillow.

Eventually my mom came in and pointed out to me that none of this has anything to do with my lack of wine or my embarrassment at the check out counter and all to do with my discomfort in how comfortable I am.

And she's right.

She reminded me of when I was 26 years old at a job that could have held a bright future for me. A job that if I had stayed at would have paid off my loans by now and I would definitely not be living with mom and pop. A job that I had started to hate.

So, in her eyes, I did the bravest thing she could imagine... I moved to Scotland and went back to school.

My mom asked me where that girl went.

And she couldn't be more right. Where did that girl go? Because I like my job, but I'm comfortable. It's time for a change. It's time for something.

Which is hard because I genuinely love The Shakespeare Theatre of New Jersey and I am proud to work for this company and be affiliated with the theatre we create. But it's not enough for my soul.

Because working here does not challenge me. And I'm most comfortable when I'm uncomfortable. Which is something I never recognized until these past few days.

So because I love these people I'm not going to disappear on them, but it's time to revamp this life of mine.

Starting with my bod. I've eaten better in these last 2 days than I have in a while and I'm staying active every day. The next step is to copyright 2 of my plays and start submitting them. The third is to work on some of my novels. I have like 5 started just hanging out in my computer like "yo, Janice? Are we even friends anymore? You don't call, you don't write?" LITERALLY.

So I didn't actually breakdown in the produce aisle. I did wait until I was in the privacy of my own kitchen, give me that. It may have made for a better blog post, but really people... throw me a frickin' bone here.

Ok I have to go practice drawing a sword for the scene I have to perform in 2 hours. So, yeah not with a pencil, like from my hip. Like a Knight or some shit. This should end well...

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Oh Hey. Look.

I may be pushed to the edge this week. I hate it. With work, I've been in until super late all week, plus my parents are away so I have to dog & the house to take care of. I'm just beat.

I know... somebody call a WAMBULANCE! But I'm just exhausted.

The worst of it all is over the past weeks I've noticed that I've gained ALL my pre Bridget's wedding weight back. I know. Sad Day USA.

I've lost, RIP, three pairs of jeans over the past few weeks. I have no money to buy new ones. I finally stitched up a pair with a crazy hole only for those jeans to lose their life via zipper popping not an hour later.

This week at work is crazypants and I should be watching my food intake but it's hard. When you have 0 food at home, 0 time to go shopping and 0 money to go food shopping with. So yes, this week has been a beautiful mess of frozen pizza, chicken fingers and Burger King. That's right! On the day I lost another pair of jeans, I ate Burger King! SUCK IT!!!

And right now, it this moment I just finished a Qudoba burrito.

Next week. Next week I'm back in action. I swear. Gotta get this body beach ready.


Monday, April 1, 2013

Out Like a Lamb.

It's been a while. Life got awesome and then it got mucky so I took a hiatus.

Last weekend I took a trip down to WV to visit my friends. It's all so strange to me now. It was so amazing a great to see everyone but it left me so sad. I had this whole realization that I will just always be missing this people. If I moved down there I would miss everyone from home. So there's no win/win for me. It's exhausting. Worst/Best decision I even made was to go to school so far away.

I mean really no matter which way I slice in I'm missing someone. At some point in my day I think of someone from one of the many places I've lived and think "damn, I miss them." It's the worst/best.

In the end I'm really glad  I went because I got to meet a bunch of babies, hang out with woman I love and admire and see the beautiful state that I love.

In case you're wondering...

I came home to the super crappy news that a friend from high school passed away. It's just the worst. I'll never get over losing people from my childhood. There's no reason they should be gone and I should still be here. It just really hurts. And I hurt for my friends who were still close with the individual because I cannot even imagine what they're going through.

And then within the same day I found out that my other friends beautiful baby was born. So last week was an emotional roller coaster to say the very least.

But so that's my little catch up. I joined another dating site until I realized I had to pay for it and then I deleted my account. AGAIN. Maybe I'll hop back on the OKstupid again to see what's up. I'm not even interested in dating I think I'm just bored. UGH!

Oh, happy Jesus is BAAACK day.