Wednesday, June 6, 2012

I'm not suicidal.

I was told that my posts were depressing. So I took a break.

I'm still not making any promises about this one.

I don't want to depress people, but I want to be real.

If I have to pretend to be happy in life every day than at least I can be real on my own damn blog right?

I mean jeeze.

Ok, now that that steam has been blown.

Life is ok. Life is good. My outlook on it is a little shady, but I'm trucking along. That's all you can ask right.

My uncle called today because his friend, who is friends with me on FB for whatever reason called him bc I had posted a suicidal poem on my wall.

Ok people, if I'm going to kill myself I'm not going to announce it on FB first.

I let my uncle know it was just a Sheryl Crow lyric.

"Wouldn't it be nice if we could hop a flight to anywhere?
Well, so long to this life!
So much for pretending, cause bad lucks never ending.
And too much time I've been spending,
With my heart in my hands waiting for time to come & mend it.
I can't cry anymore."

Next time I'll put ~Sheryl Crow~ after it so that everyone  knows I'm not taking a one way trip to Jesus' house.

I think I need more coffee.

I have about 10 pounds to loose before my dress for Bridget's wedding will fit me. I'm so hungry all the time!!!

This person who knows who they are but will remain nameless that said I need to be less depressing said that I should talk about what's good in my life. All the reasons I'm not going to kill myself.

My job & the people I work with are so fetch.
I'm in the final processes of writing a play that is being produced in late July.
I'm pretty.
(not so much right now in my PJs, glasses and f***ed up hair but most of the time.)
I have a trip planned next month to the beach for one my bestest friends weddings.
My other bestest friend is getting married a few weeks after that.

oh hey and I have no dates.

Oh, right, happy stuff.

I'm  not going crazy. or at least my friend Abbi tells me I'm not.
I'm not suicidal. So I have that going for me.

I think I'll make more coffee.

Just because I'm  not going crazy doesn't mean that I'm not going schyszophrenic. (sp?)

It's wrong.


La. La.

Yes he's still on my mind.


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