Saturday, April 7, 2012


It's quiet around my house this morning. My parents won some raffle & stayed in some houghty toughty hotel last night & my sisters still asleep. Even my dog seems to be ignoring me.

And I'm ok with all of that.

I think I needed some quiet.

I've been so wrapped up in some things these last few weeks that it feels like my brain is a bit weighed down. Not in a bad way, but in a "I can't stop thinking about this" way.

You guessed it. The Hunger Games. Catching Fire. MockingJay.

I know I've been over it one hundred million fafillion times but I get SO invested in these books. I know it's crazy. But I love escaping. I love hanging out with imaginary characters. I love going on their adventures with them.

I guess I wish I could just write my own adventure. I have the stories in my head & I know how long they can take to write & I know it's important to be ready to really write them. But I just know they will be so good. I just have to get there.

I think that I love THG so much because it gives me a girl with a million flaws but who has people who love her. And the whole idea of someone being brainwashed to hate you but still loving you deep inside just makes me week at the knees. Because sometimes love isn't enough, but usually it is.

What a geeky post. I am a fricken geek. But all of you knew that already, didn'tcha?


  1. love you anyway. Just so you know. I have many books inside me also. Grams

  2. I think you have it in you to surpass THG! Cannot wait to read your three part novel.
