Wednesday, May 15, 2013

I Have a Confession to Make

My plans for this weekend are outrageous. You're probably going to be jealous. So hold on to your fanny packs...

These are my big, huge, monumental, totally exciting plans:
(and the funny thing is I mean every word of that.)

Friday night I have awesome plans that include but are not limited to the following.

  • I'm going to hit up the gym on the way home, finally get back into The Host (side note: I don't know how the same woman that wrote Twilight wrote this book because shits good!)
  • Then I'm going to get home, sing some Disney songs in the shower, throw some clothes in the laundry and climb into bed. Where...
  •  I will watch Silver Linings Playbook, possibly followed by Gangster Squad (which I bought without ever seeing because the chemistry between Emma & Ryan is something that cannot be denied even if you think the movie is bad. I want them in every movie ever made by any person, take note Hollywood. Yes put them into The Grinch. While you're at it, I think they were missing from Lincoln. Also they should voice the next Disney & Pixar couple, STAT!)
Saturday will be a fun day of spring cleaning, mixed it with some more intense relaxing if I can find the time.
  • Time to do the Big Clothing Exchange from Winter to Summer wear!!! (I feel like The Price is Right theme should be playing there) I will also be doing "the purge" of those items that I do not wear. I would say that's roughly 78% of the items in my wardrobe. Can I please get some prayers that when I go through my clothes that I really purge them. Instead of holding it up and going "Oh gee, I dunno, what if?" God I'm so lame.
  • EthanRayne (my Ford Escape) desperately needs a bath. I know the pollen will probably just attack again, but her insides are gross as well and if I'm going to do the insides that I might as well do the outsides. Ok lets be honest, this may be a job for professionals. I may end up taking her to the car wash. (If "WORKING AT THE CARWASH! WOO OOO WOO OOO WOOO YEAH!!!" did not immediately pop into your head, than welcome my youthful reader!)
  • I then will give myself a pedicure. Maybe take a bath to round out the experience. I bought a groupon for a bunch of spa-like stuff and could just do that but I've come to the realization that if I leave my house on Saturday before the above tasks has been concluded they may never get done. 
  • At some point in this day I may catch a movie with with my faithful friend Bridget but as stated above, I am slightly worried that if I leave at all I will not complete any of the above tasks.
  • Finally, I intend on finishing or at least making some headway further into The Host. I'm really enjoying it but I literally put it down over a month ago, halfway through and haven't had time to pick it up. Hey, there's been a lot of good TV happening.
Sunday is a little up in the air, here are two solid happenings.
  • Church in the AM.
  • Emily's Birthday Tea in the afternoon. 
  • Beyond that I'm pretty open to reading and maybe catching up on Revolution (which I've been the worst fan of... sorry!)
I'm sure the majority of you read that and thought "Damn that is a productive weekend, how does this girl not have anything to do, how LAME is this HO?!" and I can honestly tell you this is the very first weekend that I have had NOTHING on the agenda beyond figuring out my life and spring cleaning. Ok, I may be exaggerating the "figuring out my life" notion. Really? ha. how boring would that be. To know what's next? How ridiculous... sigh. 

But I really am excited for this weekend of nothing to do but stuff around the house. I need it. Like need it, need it.

Oh and I'm going to sleep the shit out of my bed. Like sleep in all the way to 9 AM. Maybe 10 AM if I'm feeling really crazy. Woah. Get off the party train, wouldya? 

1 comment:

  1. Don't waste your time with gangster squad. I've watched silver linings three times and I'd go again!!! PS I read the great Gatsby last weekend, grocery shopped, and tweezed my eyebrows. We lead the same exciting life!!
