Wednesday, May 8, 2013

What the actual f***?

THIS actually causes my gag reflex to start working over time. Like, the back of my throat feels gross and my stomach is upset.

This is what is wrong with our world and our society. Ugh. I can't even complete a whole sentence. My mind is literally running a thousand miles a minutes. How do people in this world still think like this? How do people still think this is ok?

Every single person in this universe, even the total douche buckets, are unique, special and beautiful in some sort of way. Essentially what A&F is saying is that, your weight defines who you are.

It doesn't.

A scale will never tell me how funny I am.
A scale will never tell me how compassionate I am.
A scale will never tell me if I'm helpful.
A size XL (which I bought the other day, FYI) does not tell me how well I do my job.
A size XL will never inform me as to whether or not I am a good person.

What makes A&F think that they should pass judgement on who I am, just because sometimes I have to purchase a size XL instead of a Large.

Further, just so we're on the same page Abercrombie and Fitch, your L is more of an S. You smug asshat.

Wanting to market to "the cool kids" is the most high school response I've ever heard and I spent the last two days with Middle and High Schoolers. Somebody had no friends growing up and I think his name is Mike Jeffries.

Please people, for the love of your daughters, nieces and friends, for all the young impressionable minds out there, show Abercrombie and Fitch that you'll take your business elsewhere. Even if that makes you "uncool."

And yes I plan on burning the ONE A&F shirt that I own. It's a Large. And I used to wear the shit out of it. Tarnishing your brand because I am one dorky little bitch.



  1. I so agree.... A&F isn't worth the price they charge for their not cool stuff...and I also
    agree that size does not the person make!! Unless your a ballerina ... than maybe... :P

  2. Hey. I've seen some fairly large people be very light on their feet. Kevin James for instance...
